Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Its Fun Time!!!!!!

Well I finally received the page I've been waiting for, its time for Lear class. I'm pretty excited to get the chance to fly the famous Lear 24. It is notorious for being loud, fast and about as close to a fighter jet as I'll ever come. One of its nicknames is the "Baby Fighter Jet". There have been stories floating around about its astounding climbing ability. Such as on a cold day and with minimum fuel one of our pilots was able to go from brake release to 10,000ft in under 90 seconds. That is an amazing number for a civilian aircraft. If you do the math and calculate in a 15 second takeoff roll, you get a sustained climb rate of over 8300 feet per min. That's simply awesome! The "pig jet" my pet name for the plane I'm currently flying will typically hold a sustained climb of about 2000 ft per min. On a cold day with a light load, it might be able to hold 4,000 ft per min, but that's pushing it. Usually anytime you see a climb rate like that on the pig jet, your losing airspeed pretty quickly and you can't hold that climb rate for very long.

These planes also burn more gas at idle speed than a Boeing 737. That's why its so important to get these planes up to high altitude as fast as possible. The higher up in the atmosphere you go, the less fuel these engines use. I'm sure I'm going to have plenty of more tidbits of information to pass along once I start flying it. But until then, its time to study hard and learn as much as I can in groundschool and the simulator. Hopefully I'll have time to report on the class and sim in the upcoming weeks.


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