18 Months
18 months is a long time between posts. Blogging has taken a back seat to living life on lifes terms the last year and a half. There have been gigantic changes going on in my life and career in that time span. There has been a good deal of thought going on as to if I want to blog about the major changes going on. For now, it will just stay professional. I have left the 121 regional world and have gone back to my roots of 135 flying. Things were looking pretty gloomy at my airline. Bankruptcy was going to gut our contract, my schedule was beginning to ebb, re-upgrade was never going to happen and we were staring down the barrel at a 35% pay cut. So an opportunity arose that allowed me to use my god given talent to fly planes for a much more important mission. To save lives. It certainly helped that the pay was good, schedule is ok and I'll be back on track for the mystical 1000 turbine PIC. The positives of making the switch far outweighed the negatives, so after much thought and consideration I bailed back to the world of turbo props. Its been a relativly new switch, only 2 months, but so far so good. I should get back in the swing of blogging about flying again in the near future. Sorry its been so long, but life happens. When it does, some things just have to sit on the back burner for a while.