The Left Seat.
Perma-reserve here I come! The dreaded ATP/Upgrade Checkride has been passed. One more sim session and I'm released to the line to begin my life as a new Captain. Today has been the culmination of 15 years of aviation. 4 years spent working on my private pilots license. 4 and a half (very fun) years at UND (much to my parents chagrin), 2 years of aerial photography, 2 and a half years freight doggin, 8 months of part 121 airline experience and a whole lot of hard work, sacrifice and effort, have brought me to this point in my career, Airline Captain.
Initially being an airline pilot was never a goal which I had set for myself. I had hoped to avoid the regionals all together by flying freight, but it was not to be. The terrible manner in which I was treated at my former company forced my hand into coming to a regional. At one point there were dreams and aspirations of flying for my former company, becoming captain, building the coveted 1000 hours turbine PIC, maby making assistant chief pilot and moving on to my dream job from there. But that was not to be. The winds of change shifted in a new direction and landed me here. My family and I couldn't be happier.
I just want to take a moment and thank everyone who has helped me get to this point. Most importantly, my loving and very, very, very tolerant wife Erin. Without your support, I never would have been able to further my career in the manner in which I have. Love you Hun! Second, to Mom and Dad, if it wasn't for you guys (and your college money), I never would have taken up flying in the first place. Third, to Mukwonago Mom and Dad, with out you guys picking up the slack when I'm gone, I don't think I'd be able to do my job with out worrying about Erin and Jack being without me. Lastly, I'd like to thank all the former flight instructors, captains and boss's who have tolerated my cantankerous ass over the years and taught me a great deal about flying and life in general. Thanks again, I appreciate all of you.
Initially being an airline pilot was never a goal which I had set for myself. I had hoped to avoid the regionals all together by flying freight, but it was not to be. The terrible manner in which I was treated at my former company forced my hand into coming to a regional. At one point there were dreams and aspirations of flying for my former company, becoming captain, building the coveted 1000 hours turbine PIC, maby making assistant chief pilot and moving on to my dream job from there. But that was not to be. The winds of change shifted in a new direction and landed me here. My family and I couldn't be happier.
I just want to take a moment and thank everyone who has helped me get to this point. Most importantly, my loving and very, very, very tolerant wife Erin. Without your support, I never would have been able to further my career in the manner in which I have. Love you Hun! Second, to Mom and Dad, if it wasn't for you guys (and your college money), I never would have taken up flying in the first place. Third, to Mukwonago Mom and Dad, with out you guys picking up the slack when I'm gone, I don't think I'd be able to do my job with out worrying about Erin and Jack being without me. Lastly, I'd like to thank all the former flight instructors, captains and boss's who have tolerated my cantankerous ass over the years and taught me a great deal about flying and life in general. Thanks again, I appreciate all of you.